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Asbestos Removal Hampshire

Asbestos Removal Hampshire






















Asbestos, once acclaimed for its heat resistance, durability, and versatility, is now accepted as a significant threat in many homes and buildings. Protecting your health and property from the dangers of asbestos is essential, and with decades of experience, Westfield Group UK offers expert asbestos removal in Hampshire for domestic and commercial property.


At Westfield, we understand the challenges of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). As such, our asbestos services are designed to ensure safe and efficient asbestos removal that safeguards your well-being and that of the environment to the highest standards in full compliance with legal and industry regulations.


What is asbestos?


Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring mineral fibres contained in various building materials, including insulation, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, roofing, and pipe insulation. However, if these materials have been left to deteriorate or are disturbed during renovation or demolition work, asbestos can release tiny, airborne fibres that bring severe health risks to the lungs, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, pleural thickening, and asbestos-related cancers.


ACMs were used extensively in building and construction before their dangers were widely recognised and understood. Although the supply and use of all ACMs has been banned in the UK since 1999, it can still be found today in domestic or commercial properties built or refurbished before the year 2000.


Why choose Westfield Group for asbestos removal in Hampshire


When it comes to removing and disposing of asbestos in Hampshire, experience matters. Westfield Group has a team of seasoned professionals with over 25 years of expertise in the safe and efficient containment, handling, and removal of asbestos in the Hampshire area and around the South Coast and south east. 


Prioritising safety for domestic and commercial clients above all else, Westfield is Alcumus Safe Contractor certified, Environment Agency Registered Waste Carrier licensed, and holds a 3-year Asbestos Removal License from HSE, ensuring a high standard of service, complying with all strict regulations and guidelines on the removal of all types of asbestos. 


Our commitment to this compliance guarantees peace of mind for every customer, knowing that your project will be carried out with the utmost care, minimising health risks, and ensuring full legal and environmental compliance at every stage.


Our asbestos services


With an extensive range of services for licensed asbestos removals, Westfield Group can effectively manage all asbestos-related problems from an initial asbestos survey to implementing a full management plan and asbestos disposal. Our key asbestos services and remedial works include:


Asbestos Removal: We contain, handle, remove, and dispose of your asbestos-containing materials and any asbestos present safely and responsibly from your location. Find out more


Asbestos Management: Asbestos surveys, asbestos testing, UKAS-accredited air testing, and complete asbestos management and expert advice for your property. Find out more


Asbestos Encapsulation: Our encapsulation service seals and contains asbestos with a durable shield, reducing asbestos problems and maintaining safety in your building. Find out more


Contact Westfield today


Choose Westfield Group as your trusted partner for safe and efficient asbestos removal in Hampshire. With our team of experts, industry-recognised certifications and licenses, and total commitment to safety and compliance, we go above and beyond to ensure the protection of your health and property. 


Whether you need our asbestos testing, removal, or encapsulation services or a full asbestos management plan, don't compromise – contact Westfield today for expert advice and full asbestos removal services in Hampshire. 


Call us on 02380 461 450, send us a message or email Or visit us at Unit B1, 73 Common Road, Chandler's Ford, Southampton, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO53 1ZD. We’re just 8 mins from J12 on the M3 .

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